Female Radius Tools

To form concave radii on small wheels.

Tool No.
FR-10 .010
FR-15 .015
FR-20 .020
FR-25 .025
FR-30 .032
FR-60 .062
FR-125 .125
FR-250 .250


Male Radius Tools

Forms convex radii from .015" to .500" on wheel corner. The sharp octahedron diamond is precision centered.

Tool No.
Radius to be dressed
MR-1 .015 to .125
MR-2 .125 to .250
MR-3 .250 to .500
MR-4 .500 up


Half Circle Radius Tools

Dresses concave radii of .047" to  .125" in the wheel center.  The size of these tough diamonds determine radius.

Tool No.
Radius to be dressed
HC-1 3/64
HC-2 1/16
HC-3 3/32
HC-4 1/8


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